Having a great day today. Have been really productive this week. Sent in 2 entries for calls that I wanted to attempt, which meant several layouts, emails about how wonderful of a scrapper I am (LOL), pictures, downloading the pictures, cropping them and loading them.
For anyone that knows me, I am a computer dumbhead. I can operate the computer system at work that we use for patient hospital records with my eyes closed, hands behind my back and can help someone over the phone--without having a computer in front of me, but when it comes to the good old windows, I stink. I actually have to go back and calculate mega vs kilo bytes in my head. This is something I would love to fix, but I feel like it is low on my list of priorities and if I give it more leverage, then something more fun will get bumped down. So I will just continue to muddle through and manage as I have been.
Tonight, it is Studio Calico's reveal night. I have a plan to stay up late for the add-ons. I want the second one I think, and so does everyone else it appears but I will give it a shot. Looking forward to that yummy kit when it gets here.
Tomorrow is my uncle's burial (My Godfather). I am going out there for the service with my brother, Tim. I thought that I would not bring the kids. The funeral was in January and I think, at least explaining it to DD, again, why we are doing it is too much. I think understated is better for this, and DD tends to get pretty worked up and I am not sure she really knew him at all. I am going more for my aunts, and dad, who cannot be there. They took the time to arrange this, so I want to be there.
I do plan on scrapping tonight and alot this weekend. Looking forward to it. I made a little altered item last night. It is a little wooden birdhouse that I covered in pretty paper. I will post it later. I cannot upload pics at this computer. Not much else to say. Kids and hubby are good. Love and hugs.